Useful Links

Oldham Safeguarding Partnership has been developed to ensure that all young people get the safeguarding and protection they need.
Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 111
Samaritans works to make sure there's always someone there for anyone who needs someone. 
Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership. GMHSC - Devolution introduction. 
Action for Asperger’s utilises the skills of a number of qualified counsellors who also specialise academically and/or experientially in autism counselling and Asperger counselling  

Housing Links

For more than 30 years, Depaul has worked alongside young people facing homelessness. 

Nightstop is a unique community based solution to youth homelessness

Centrepoint provides housing and support for young people regionally.

We provide and manage housing - including social housing.

Counselling Links

PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.

Headspace is your hub for all things meditation and sleep.

NHS Mental Health help lines and charities

Kooth is your online mental health wellbeing community.